net sales 매출액
Cost of goods sold 매출원가
Gross profit 매출총이익
Expenses 비용
Ceneral, selling, and administrative expenses 판매비와 일반관리비
Net interest expense 순지급이자(지급이자-수입이자)
Earnings before tax 세전이익(경상이익)
Tax 법인세 등
Earnings after tax 세후순이익(당기순이익)

Assets 자산
Current assets 유동자산
Accounts receivable 매출채권
inventories 재고자산
Prepaid expenses 선급비용
total current assets 유동자산계
Net fixed assets 고정자산
total assets 총자산

Liabilities and Owners'Equity 부채와 자본
Current liabilities 유동부채
Bank loan 단기차입금
Accounts payable 매입채무
Current portion long-term debt 유동성장기부채
Accrued wages 퇴직충당금
total current liabilities 유동부채합계
long-term debt 고정부채
common stock 보통주자본금
ratained earnings 잉여금
total liabilities and owners' equity 부채와 자본 총계


대차대조표(Balance sheet)

유동자산(Current Asset)
당좌자산(Quick Asset)
현금및 현금 등가물(cash & cash equivalent)
매출채권(accounts receivables)
미수금(note receivables)
미수수익(unrealized gain)
선급금(advance to customer)
선급 비용(prepaid expense)
선급 법인세(prepaid tax expense)
제품(finished goods)
고정자산(Non-current Asset)
유형자산(property , plant & equipment)
감가상각누계액(accumulated drpreciation)
건설중인자산(construction in progress)
무형자산(Intangibie asset)
개발비(improvements cost)
자산총계( Total assets)

유동부채(current liabilities)
매입채무(accounts payable)
미지급금(accrued payables)
선수금(unearned revenue)
예수금(other advance for customers)
미지급비용(accrued expense)
미지급법인세(tax payables)
유동성 장기부채(current portion of long term debt)
부가예수금(other accrued liabilities)
고정부채(Non-current liabilities)
장기차입금(bonds payables)
부채총계(Total liabilities)

자본(Stock holder's Equity)
보통주자본금(common stock)
자본잉여금(additional paid in capital)
주식발행초과금(additional paid in capital-common stock)
재평가 적립금(market adjustments)
이익잉여금(retained earnings)
이익준비금(free and unappropriated)
기업합리화적립금(appropriation for plant)
미처분이익잉여금(appropriated retained earnings)
자본조정(conta equity items)
자본총계(Total Equities)

손익계산서(P/L or income statement)

매출원가(cost of good solds)
매출총이익(gross profit)
판매비와 관리비(selling expenses & administrative expenses)
영업이익(operating income)
영업외수익(other revenue)
영업외 비용(other revenue)
경상이익(income before unusual or infrequent items and income taxes)
법인세비용차감전순이익(income from continuing operations before taxes)
당기순이익(Net income)
주당순이익(easning per share-net income)
처분전 이익잉여금(retained earnings-1/1,20xx)
전기이월이익잉여금(prior year-retained earnings)
당기순이익(net income)


매출액 sales
국내매출액 domestic sales
매출할인 sales discount
수출액 export sales
매출원가 cost of sales
생산완료 factory output
재공품평가 WIP valuation
재고대체 stock change
생산원가차이 product cost difference
재료비-원자재 raw material cost
재료비-반제품 semi finished goods material cost
사급재료비 raw material cost for subcontracting
외주가공비 outside processing
기타재료비 other materials
매출이익 gross profit(loss)
판관비 selling and admin exp
급여 salaries
임금 wages
상여 bonus
퇴직급여 provision for severance benefits
복리후생비 other employee benefits
감가상각비 depreciation
무형자산감가상각비 amortization of intangible asset
수선유지비 repairs&maintenance
소모품비 supplies
생산소모품비 production supplies
유틸리티 utility
수도광열비 water,light&heating
임가공비 outside processing
여비교통비 travel expenses
차량유지비 vehicle expenses
통신비 communications
세금과 공과 taxes and dues
보험료 insurance
운반비 transportation
지급수수료 commission
임차료 rent
조사비 survey expense
품질관리비 quality control activities
도서인쇄비 books&Printing
창고비 warehousing expense
교제비 social expenses
회의비 meeting&conference
교육훈련비 employee training
직업훈련비 vocational training
행사비 event expenses
건물유지비 company's building maintenance
전산비 computing
정원관리비 garden maintenance
해외마케팅비 overseas marketing expenses
해외법인관리 everseas branch management
광고선전비 advertising
판촉비 sales promotion
판매장려비 sales rebate
기업홍보비 public relations
대손상각비 bad debts
서비스비 after sale service
견본비 samples
검사비 inspection expenses
포장비 packing
기술사용료 royalty
경상연구개발비 regular R&D expense
사내배부비 CO adjustment account
대체기표 reconciliation posting(CCA->FI)
대체기표 reconciliation posting(PC->FI)-finished goods
대체기표 reconciliation posting(PC->FI)-work in process
영업이익 operating income
영업외수익 non-operating income
이자수익 interest income
배당금수익 devidend income
수입수수료 commission income
임대료수익 rental income
외주가공수익 outside processing income
매입할인 purchase discounts
유가증권처분이익(손실) gain(loss) on disposition of marketable securities
유가증권평가이익(손실) gain(loss) on valuation of marketable securities
외환차익(손) gain(loss) on foreign currency transactions
외환환산이익(손실) gain(loss) on foreign currency translation
투자자산처분이익(손실) gain(loss) on disposition of investments
유형자산처분이익(손실) gain(loss) on disposition of tangible assets
상각채권추심이익 gain on recovery of bad debts
사채상환이익(손실) gain(loss) on redemption of debentures
법인세환급액 reversal of income tax
투자자산평가충당금환입 reversal of allowances valuation
대손충당금환입 reversal of allowances for bad debts
환율조정대환입 reversal of allowances for F/C translation
원가차익 abnormal cost variances favorable
재고차익 abnormal inventory variances favorable
잡이익 miscellaneous income
영업외비용 non-operating expense
이자비용 interest expense
지급보증료 Guarantee commission
이연자산상각비 Amortization of deferred charges
기타대손상각 Other bad debts expense
유가증권처분이익(손실) gain(loss) on disposition of marketable securities
유가증권평가이익(손실) gain(loss) on valuation of marketable securities
재고자산평가손실 Loss from inventory valuation/obsolescence
외환차익(손) gain(loss) on foreign currency transactions
외환환산이익(손실) gain(loss) on foreign currency translation
투자유가증권감액손실 Loss on reduction of investment in securities
투자자산처분손실 Loss on disposition of investments
유형자산처분손실 Loss on disposition of tangible assets
법인세추납액 Addition payment in
기부금 donations
자산감액손실 Loss on reduction of assets
원가차손 Loss from cost variances
재고차손 Loss from inventory variances
잡손실 Miscellaneous expense
경상이익 ordinary income
특별이익 extraordinary gain
자산수증이익 gain from assets contributed
채무면제이익 gain on exemption of debts
보험차익 gain on insurance settlement
전기오류수정이익(손실) gain(loss) on perior period error correction
특별손실 extraordinary losses
재해손실 casualty losses
세전이익 income before income taxes
법인세비용 income tax expense
당기순이익 net income

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